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Pre-requisites:Must know how to use mongoose to create models, run queries, writes, updates and creating a connection. ACID ACID transactions in...
Imagine you're throwing a party, and you're the host. You have different types of guests coming in, each with their own level of access to your...
Pre-requisites: try-catch block, Classes & Inheritance in JavaScript BUT... Why do we need Custom Error Classes? This is important to know, otherwise,...
Scenario Let’s say we have a collection of documents representing books in a library. Each book document has a genres field, which is an array of...
Enhancing your Backend Security. . . · Understanding the Threats: DDOS and Brute-Force Attacks DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) and Brute-Force...
Introduction Cookies are a widely used tool on the internet for storing small amounts of information about users and their preferences. They have been...